You have to learn to do everything, even to die. — Gertrude Stein
An End-of Life Doula (EOLD) provides a wide range of non-medical services and referrals to people preparing for death. They coordinate with, but do not replace, the help offered by hospice, social workers, financial and legal advisors, funeral arrangers, home health aides, or other caregivers. Within their scope of practices, EOLDs are professionals bound by a code of ethics.
As a NEDA Proficient and Certified EOLD, the primary service I offer is helping people write a Life Review and Ethical Will.
What is a life review? A life review is the process of looking at our experiences to draw meaning from our lives. We reflect on people and events, celebrate accomplishments, and come to terms with regrets. It is more than just describing who was there and what happened. A written life review brings together the stories that capture our good, bad, and mixed experiences. What do they tell us about ourselves? What do we want them to say about us to readers? “To understand life, people tell stories” (D. Haber, 2006, Life review: Implementation, theory, research and therapy. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 63(2), 153-171).
What is an ethical will? An ethical will states a person’s values, life lessons learned, and hopes for those left behind. It is unlike a last will and testament, which is legally binding and specifies how one’s possessions should be distributed. An ethical will is a message written from the heart and can take any form: long or short; a letter or a more formal statement; serious and/or humorous in tone. An ethical will is a final gift to your loved ones, of priceless value to them in your absence. An ethical will is also a gift to yourself, affirming what you appreciate in life.
In lieu of paying me for this service, people who are willing and able are encouraged to make a contribution to the National End of Life Doula Alliance (NEDA), Alzheimer’s Association, or other nonprofit of their choice.
If you are interested for yourself, or on behalf of a loved one, please write to me at CONTACT US. I would be honored to assist you.