American journalist Varian Fry, working in occupied France for the Emergency Rescue Committee, a private relief organization, used legal and illegal measures to evacuate 2,000 refugees, including prominent writers like Lion Feuchtwanger and artists like Marc Chagall. In 1994, Fry was the first American honored by Jerusalem’s Yad Vashem as a “Righteous Among the Nations.” While the U.S. failed to end WW2 sooner or admit those fleeing Nazi persecution, history shows some courageous Americans spoke out and saved lives. Read about a German Jewish family who tries to escape to the U.S. in the novel One Person’s Loss. Learn more about the book in NOVELS.

Varian Fry rescued 2,000 prominent intellectuals targeted by the Nazis

Berlin, 1937. Jewish newlyweds flee Germany for Brooklyn before the Nazi slaughter begins