TAZIA AND GEMMA Book Launch and Readings
I’m getting ready to launch my new novel Tazia and Gemma (Vine Leaves Press, 2018). The launch is Sunday, June 3rd from 2:00 to 4:00 PM at Bookbound Bookstore in Ann Arbor and I’ll also be reading from the book on Tuesday, July 31st from 7:00-9:00 PM at Literati Bookstore in Ann Arbor. Copies will be available for purchase and signing at both events. You can also order the book at http://www.vineleavespress.com/tazia-and-gemma-by-ann-s-epstein.html. To read more about this sweeping historical novel, beginning with the Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire in 1911 and ending fifty years later, see NOVELS. For more details about these and other upcoming events, see NEWS. Please join me to celebrate the book’s publication. I’m looking forward to lively Q & A sessions.